Radicale: self-host calendar and contacts

  1. Install Radicale using pip
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale
  2. Create configuration files for Radicale
    mkdir ~/.config/radicale
    touch ~/.config/radicale/config
    touch ~/.config/radicale/users
  3. Install Apache htpasswd, then create a user and a password
    sudo apt-get install apache2-utils #For Debian-based
    htpasswd -c ~/.config/radicale/users user1
  4. Update the config file with the following content
    # Bind all addresses
    hosts =, [::]:5232
    type = htpasswd
    htpasswd_filename = ~/.config/radicale/users
    htpasswd_encryption = md5
    filesystem_folder = ~/.var/lib/radicale/collections
  5. Create Radicale service with systemd
    touch ~/.config/systemd/user/radicale.service
  6. Update the file radicale.service with the following content
    Description=Radicale server
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 -m radicale
  7. Start the Radicale server
    systemctl --user enable radicale
    systemctl --user start radicale
    systemctl --user status radicale
  8. Optional: Import existing calendar and contacts (for user1)
    curl -u 'user1:password' -X PUT http://localhost:5232/user1/calendar --data-binary @calendar.ics
    curl -u 'user1:password' -X PUT http://localhost:5232/user1/addressbook --data-binary @contact.vcf


  • When importing existing contacts (vcf file), make sure that every record contains FN:. If not, radicale returns "Bad request" error message.

Next steps:

  • Setup Apache configuration or nginx configuration for the Radicale service.
  • Add calendar and contacts to clients using Radicale CalDav and CardDav.

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