R Markdown: create conference poster

Command line tools: R (version 4.4.2), pandoc

  1. Install packages within R
    R> install.packages("rmarkdown") # Rmarkdown support
    R> install.packages("readr") # read CSV data
    R> install.packages("posterdown") # generate poster
  2. Prepare the data
    • Data for tables should be provided in .csv file
    • Bibliography data should be provided in .bib file
    • Images
  3. Write poster contents in an R Markdown file
    • The YAML section:
      • title and author
          - name: SZ
            affil: 1, 2
          - num: 1
            address: Department of XXX
          - num: 2
            address: Department of YYY
      • poster sizes
        poster_width: "24in"
        poster_height: "18in"
      • logo
        logoleft_name: "./logo.png"
        logoright_name: "./logo.png"
      • bibliography:
        bibliography: "reference.bib"
      • poster style:
        output: posterdown::posterdown_html
    • The markdown section: write using standard markdown syntax
      • hide codes in the poster
        ```{r setup, include=FALSE}
        knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
      • table generation
        ```{r Table1, out.width='100%', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE}
        models = read_csv("./models.csv")
        knitr::kable(models, align = 'c',"html")
      • font size for the references
        <font size="3.5"> <div id="refs"></div> </font>
  4. Compile the file within R
    • create the poster in HTML format
      R> rmarkdown::render("poster.Rmd")
    • create the poster in PDF format (Requires Chrome browser)
      R> pagedown::chrome_print("poster.Rmd")
  • More advanced settings: modify the template HTML file
    • MacOS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1-arm64/Resources/library/posterdown/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_html/resources/template.html
    • Linux (Fedora): ~/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/4.4/posterdown/rmarkdown/templates/posterdown_html/resources/template.html

Example file for poster.Rmd:

Result after compilation:


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